To Clear the Chakras

(Aquarian Times, Summer 2002, p. 34; reprinted from The Art of Making Sex Sacred, Guru Terath Kaur Khalsa, pp. 48-50)

Easy Pose. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position or with a straight spine in a chair. Pull the muscles of the rectum, sex organs and navel point (Root Lock or mul bhanda). Center yourself and stimulate energy with the Breath of Fire or long deep breathing. (First, Second & Third Chakras).

Pelvic Rotations. Grind the waist in circles on the pelvis, coordinating the breath with the movement. To end, inhale long and deeply. Using the breath and visualization, bring the energy from below the navel and sex organ down to the base of the spine and coccyx. Hold, feel the energy. Exhale, relax the breath and come back to the center. Repeat one or more times. (First, Second & Third Chakras).

Spinal Flexes. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position. Place the hands on the ankles. Inhale and flex the spine forward, pushing out the chest. Exhale and flex the spine backward, collapsing the chest. Continue to flex the spine, emphasizing the lower back. To end, inhale long and deep. Use the breath and visualization to bring the energy from below the navel and sex organ up the base of the spine to the sacrum. Hold, feel the energy. Exhale, relax the breath and come back to the center. Repeat and then relax. (First, Second & Third Chakras).

Spinal Flexes. (Rock Pose) Sitting on the heels, place the palms on top of the thighs. Inhale, flex the spine forward, and press the shoulders back. Exhale, as the spine goes backward. Move the energy to the navel. (Third Chakra).

Side Twists. (Washing Machine) Come back into Easy Pose. Place the hands on the shoulders, fingers in front, thumbs in back, upper arms parallel to the ground. Inhale, twist from the waist to the left, leading with the head, exhale, twist right. Move the energy to the Heart Center. (Fourth Chakra).

Shoulder Shrugs. Inhale, press the shoulders up towards the ears, exhale, let the drop down. Move the energy to the throat. (Maximum 2 minutes.) (Fifth Chakra).

Neck Rolls. Exhale, let the head drop down and chin fall toward the chest. Inhale; rotate the head to the left and back, exhale, to the right and down. Move the energy to the base of the skull. (Sixth Chakra).

Cow Pose. On the hands and knees, the spine arches down, the head is arched back. Move the energy to the third eye. Do Breath of Fire. (Sixth Chakra).

Cat-Cow. Inhale into Cow Pose. Exhale into Cat Pose. The spine arches up, lower the head, chin toward the chest. The arms and legs remain stationary. Move the energy to the center / top of the head. (Seventh Chakra).

Shakti Pose. Sitting in Easy Pose, place the hands over the head in Venus Lock (fingers are interlaced). Do Breath of Fire. Move the energy to the top of the head and around. Then practice moving the energy out the top of the head into the cosmos and back. (Seventh Chakra).

Comments: The human body has eight energy centers called chakras which are the fountains of spiritual energy, invisible to the human eye. They are often looked at as junction points between body and spirit. The first chakra is located at the rectum, the base of the spine; the second chakra at the sex organs; the third in the navel point / solar plexus area; the fourth is at the heart center; the fifth at the throat center; the sixth at the “third eye” or the point midway between the eyebrows; the seventh on the top of the head; and the eighth is your electromagnetic field or aura.

Follow each exercise with Circular Visualization to the Chakra activated; spiral the energy around each Chakra to energize the Chakra. Do each exercise 1 – 3 minutes, unless indicated otherwise. To end each exercise, inhale, hold the breath and relax, unless indicated otherwise.

“Your supply is equal to your demand.

There is no lack of supply, only a lack of demand.”

--Yogi Bhajan


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